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Index a thung, 408n262 abhisambodhikaya, 61, 279–80, 460n533, 467n577 abhisheka, 132–33, 481n660. See also empowerment(s) accomplishments, the eight common, 228, 393n206, 402n245, 430n435 supported by five nectars, 204 accumulations, two effected by empowerment and practice, 152–53, 164 in Great Perfection, 243 in Mahayana, 363, 391n195 in Mantrayana, 18, 92 Aeon of Great Brahma, 46, 242, 440n466 aggregate of the vajra body, 108, 155, 165, 363, 400n241, 405n251 vs vajra body, 378n99 aggregates, 11, 17, 22, 23, 30, 414n291 name-aggregates, 133, 143, 244, 392n200, 456n513 purification of, 145, 157 samaya and, 187–88 viewed as buddhas or deities, 286, 378n97, 384n135 See also mandala: of the three seats Akanishtha, 67, 298, 473n634 classified, 461n538 Dense Array, 24, 63, 104, 282–83 different from ‘‘other perceived’’ mandalas, 465n550 of the Great Powerful One, 294 place of enlightenment, 169, 229 self-experience of sambhogakaya, 66, 286, 291–94, 315 all-accomplishing wisdom. See five primordial wisdoms all-discerning wisdom. See five primordial wisdoms all-pervading wind. See wind(s): five main anushvara, 25, 109, 178, 379n109, 379n110 Anuttaratantra, 7, 98, 106, 108, 374n57 downfalls of, 192 empowerments of, 9, 118–19, 384n137, 385n150 view, meditation, conduct, and result of, 109, 379n111 anuyoga, 384n141, 424n377, 470n608 conceptual perfection stage, 415n300 generation stage of anuyoga level, 396n231 root and explanatory tantras of, 385n144 thirty-six streams of empowerment, 121–22 transmission lineage of, 326–28, 330 appearance of the ground. See ground appearing object (snang yul) not the apprehended object (gzung ba), 49, 249 awareness and, 253, 448n488 not the mind, 48, 248 apprehended object, 249–50, 270, 273–74 apprehending subject, 249–50, 270, 273–74 arguments of the four understandings (in Guhyagarbha), 347, 476n649 of direct perception, 350 of empowering strength, 349 of a single cause, 348 of the way of syllables, 348 a-she ́ (a-shad), 164–65, 408n262, 416n310

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   Ashvaghosha. See Shura Atisha, xxi, 122, 422n343

on third empowerment, 389 atiyoga, 7, 45, 108, 240, 384n141, 424n377 defined, 378n101, 470n611 empowerments of, 122, 385n149, 385n150 practice of, 450n491 transmission lineage of, 328–31 avadhuti. See central channel (uma) bardo deities appearing in, 263–64 practice of, 170, 176–77, 419n316, 419n321 purification of. See perfection stage: six yogas bhaga, mandala of, 128 Bhawilha. See Shura birth four ways of being born, 135, 393n208. See also generation stage process analogous to the path, 15, 135, 142 blazing and dripping, 416n310 bodhichitta abandonment of, 26, 181 essence-drop, 155, 164, 405n254, 406n255 gross, 130–31, 390n190 loss (emission) of, 29, 185 positioned, 19, 22, 163–64 pure and accomplished mind, 236, 433n441, 438n456 ultimate (nature of mind), 126, 131, 376n83, 406n255 bodhisattvas, male and female outer and inner, 286, 463n543 retinues of Buddhas, 64, 288, 296–97, 337 their seats: sense organs and objects, 127, 378n97 494 index body of manifest enlightenment. See abhi- sambodhikaya of peaceful ultimate reality. See dhar- makaya of perfect enjoyment. See sambhoga- kaya unchanging and indestructible. See vajra body (vajrakaya) brahma aperture, 19, 156, 458n523 Buddha(s) male and female (aggregates and elements), 88, 127, 213, 387n97 mind transmission of. See transmis- sion perceptions of, 438n459, 474n638, 475n644 their knowledge of perceptions of beings, 342–43, 345, 473n634 their retinues, 463n543 of the sixth family, 325, 468n588 buddhafield(s) five, that grant release and freedom, 264, 301–4 nirmanakaya, 70 of luminous character, 242, 264, 294–95, 300, 304 sambhogakaya, 242, 286–87, 292, 315 of Shakyamuni, 343 in vajrayana, 472n632 See also pure lands Buddhaguhya, 101, 330, 354, 375n76 on six kinds of Akanishtha, 462n538 Buddhajnanapada, 375n76, 422n342 on vajra kinship, 184 buddha-nature, 28, 187, 281 ground of purification, 86 in Mantrayana, 86, 89, 109, 477n660 nature of the mind, 89, 406n254 not an expedient teaching, 30, 187 in Sutrayana, 86 three kayas of inner luminosity and, 280

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   calm abiding, 57–58, 244, 270–72. See also shamatha

central channel description of, 19, 156–58, 165, 168, 407n261 entry of essence-drops, 131, 404n249, 411n273 entry of winds into, 22, 129, 162–63, 404n249 expanse of Rahu, 165 killing of thoughts in, 219, 221 knots on, 22, 165, 406n254 location, 156 threefold classification of, 408n261, 408n264 See also blazing and dripping; chan- nels chakra(s) bliss-preserving (secret), 158 different accounts of, 409n268, 410n270 in Kalachakra, 410n271, 413n287 in Mayajala tantra, 159, 411n277 of enjoyment (throat), 161, 387n175, 409n269 four joys and, 421n325 of great bliss (crown of head), 158, 409n269, 411n279 meditation on, 157, 410n270 position of, 157–58 of space (ushnisha), 158–59, 409n269, 413n287 of ultimate reality (heart), 166, 168, 388n180, 409n269 channel wheels. See chakra(s) channels, 155–57, 166 of the eyes, 274, 458n523 generation stage and, 378n98, 404n248 in Kalachakra, 410n271 knots on, 12, 19, 131, 156–57, 387n177 like watercourses, 22, 419n316 pulsation of, 11, 128, 391n195, 407n259, 430n435 radial, 158, 160, 168, 407n259 division of, 410n270 sacred lands and, 164, 360 support for elements and life-wind, 133 for thought-free and coemergent wisdom, 179 for vase empowerment, 124 visualization of, 410n270 See also roma and kyangma charnel ground, eight accoutrements of, 149–50 Charyatantra (conduct tantra), 6, 9, 95–97, 99, 103, 118. See also Ubhaya Charya vs Kriya, 100 Chemchok, 138, 394n211, 394n214, 394n215. See also Mahottara heruka Churning the Depths of Hell, 227, 429n430 cognitive potency, 43, 45, 132, 237 appearances of the ground and, 239 vs compassion, xxix, 390n193 creative power of (rtsal), 235, 259, 450n496 as nirmanakaya, 232, 393n209 radiance of, 238–39, 243, 245–46, 317 source of nirmanakaya, 293 source of sambhogakaya, 62, 282 state of clarity and knowing, 440n470 See also ground concentration conceptual and nonconceptual, 104, 129 days of, 264 diamond-like, 398n235, 437n455 fearless or heroic, 398n235 mandala of superior, 353–54, 462n538 mirage-like, 398n235 in restoration of samaya, 226 concentration beings (samadhisattva), 400n242 consort(s), skillful path of, 38, 126, 154, 177–78, 419n316 index 495

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   consort(s) (continued)

outer, inner, and secret, 219 qualified, 420n325 secret mandala of, 130, 388n185, concentration on. See under four life- fastening nails depiction of in outer tantras, 5–7, 13–14, 97–99 depiction of male and female in inner tantras, 106–7 peaceful, 21, 286, 411n277, 464n546 eight ornaments, 149 five garments of, 149 forty-two, 64, 65, 160, 286, 288, 411n277 nine peaceful expressions, 148, 401n245 phenomena as, 18, 92, 187, 213, 277, 342, 475n643, 478n660 pride of the deity, 399n241 principle of ‘‘six deities,’’ 101, 375n77 status of deity and meditator in outer tantras, 100–105 of the three seats, 37, 64, 145, 148, 363, 407n258 ultimate deity, 345, 425n395, 475n644 wheels of peaceful and wrathful, 21, 159–60, 411n277, 464n546 wisdom beings and, 400n244 wrathful, 411n277, 464n544, 464n546 nine wrathful demeanors, 66, 149, 401n245 eight accoutrements, 149–50 in wrathful mandala of lower palace, 287–91 delusion cause of, 244, 250, 263, 405n254, 476n657 door of, 239, 242, 439n460 essence-drop of, 405n254 four conditions of, 47, 71, 245–46, 304 vs freedom, 262, 434n443, 439n460, 454n500 ground of, 262, 372n23 higher vs lower, 239, 438n459 manner of arising, 247, 454n500 388 – creative power of awareness. See ground 89n186 unsuitable, 31, 190, 215 dakinis, 72, 189, 190 drawn by samaya substances, 34, 204 transmission entrusted to, 84, 369n6 death bardo at moment of, 177, 263, 438n459 ground-luminosity at, 11, 12, 236, 246 instructions for moment of (related to four empowerments), 128–32 purification of death moment, 139, 395n222 transference of consciousness, 170, 177, 390n194 defeats, 181, 185, 422n336, 428n421 vs infractions, 31, 190 of Shravakayana, 223 See also downfalls; infractions, eight defilements (five) in different vehicles, 260–61, 426n396, 427n406 dissolve into primordial wisdom, 342–44, 446n485, 472n631 five winds and, 162–63 impure channels and, 410n272 intrinsic purity of, 145, 342, 384n135 purified by four empowerments, 385n150 source of downfalls, 222 used on the path, 34, 36, 126, 179, 197, 427n406 deity (deities) aggregates as, 187, 197 appearing as three kinds of object, 399n240 appearing in the bardo, 263–64 change position in mandala, 106–170, 377n94 496 index

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   no delusion in ground, 47, 235, 237, 372n33, 453n500

no potential for in place of freedom, 262, 454n502 Dense Array. See Akanishtha dependent arising, twelvefold chain of, 47, 246, 363, 392n200, 417n311 corresponding to twelve wind transits, 20, 158, 410n271 in the Great Perfection, 246 detection (yongs gcod), 235, 253 deteriorations, five, 225, 429n422 Dharma, wheel of, 231, 432n439 dharmadhatu, wisdom of. See five primordial wisdoms dharmakaya, 12, 24, 208, 262, 278, 280 awareness, 262, 267, 433n441, 448n490 emptiness, 169, 261, 393n209, 453n499 essence-drop of bliss and emptiness, 405n251 fields, 440n466 great, 88, 341, 351, 372n30, 424n382, 471n630 ground of rupakaya, 305, 309, 312 sambhogakaya gathered into, 76, 315 vs universal ground, 54, 261, 379n111, 395n222, 451n499, 453n499 dharmata ̄, 61, 87 buddha-nature, 281 ground, 237, 434n443 mandala of the three seats, 372n34 nature of the mind, 101, 126 ultimate deity, 345, 425n395 disciples correct attitude and conduct of, 336–39 qualities of authentic, 8, 116 downfalls abandonment of bodhichitta, 29, 181, 185 abandonment of loving attitude, 185, 200, 422n336, 423n363 complete, 181–82, 428n421 conditions for, 26 degenerate objects (in relation to tenth downfall), 428n417 entangling attitudes, 181–82, 422n334 four sources of, 40, 222–23 fourteen, 27–33, 182, 183–90, repairing of, 32–33, 41, 192–95, 226 root, 422n335 scriptural sources describing, 192 downward-voiding wind. See winds: five main dream yoga. See perfection stage: six yogas Drogmi Shakya Yeshe, 422n343 e ́ wam, meaning of, 109, 379n108, 379n110 eight common accomplishments, 228, 401n245, 430n433 eight qualities of mastery, 42, 228, 430n435 eight similes of illusion, 417n311 elements, 109, 133, 156, 379n105 basis of empowerment, 121, 385n145, 406n256 dissolution of (in trekcho ̈), 268 eyes of, 156, 458n523 five female Buddhas, 127, 187, 190 quintessence(s) of, 168, 405n254 refined into light (tho ̈gal), 57, 268 winds of, 108, 154, 160–62, 414n296 embryo development analogous to five paths, 142–43 purification of its development, 140–42 empowerment(s), 8 –13, 112 according to classes of tantra Anuttara, 118–23 Anuyoga, 121 Atiyoga, 122 Charya,118 index 497

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   empowerment(s) (continued) Kriya, 117

Mahayoga, 120 Yoga, 118 causes and conditions of, 123–25 benefits of, 113, 114, 134, 382n122 four, 125 of atiyoga, 122, 385n150 secret, 126, 128 vase, 125, 127 wisdom, 126, 130 word (‘‘fourth’’), 126, 131, 385n149, 385n150 given compassionately to the unsuitable, 382n120 granted in the manner of a king, 329, 330, 470n613 meaning of term, 132 preparatory stages of, 116–17, 383n128 related to ground (cause), path, and result, 123, 133, 391n198 through great rays of light, 134 emptiness endowed with supreme attributes, 348, 351, 474n642, 475n644 known only by self-cognizing awareness, 476n648 entangling attitudes. See under downfalls equality, wisdom of. See five primordial wisdoms essence-drops attainment of grounds and, 23, 159, 165 bliss, clarity, no-thought, 179, 406n255, 411n273, 414n293 classification of, 405n254 control of, 158–59, 165, 404n249, 421n325 in Great Perfection, 413n287 linked with body, 127, 387n169 linked with mind, 130, 390n188 linked with speech, 128, 387n175 melting of, 12, 130, 219 498 index non-emission of (in both sexes), 164, 421n325 purified by empowerment, 126–33 purified by tummo, 416n306, 416n310 signs of purification of, 390n191 substantial, meditation on, 405n254 support of mind, 126, 168 support of ultimate bodhichitta, 131 example wisdom, 12, 131, 219 of third initiation, 385n149, 478n660 fire-accompanying wind. See wind(s): five main five certainties (of sambhogakaya), 18, 62, 153, 282 five ‘‘contaminated’’ yogas, 403n248 five deteriorations, 225, 429n422 five factors of awakening. See under generation stage five meats and five nectars, 189, 220, 374n65 not used in outer tantras, 5, 100 five nectars, fourfold establishment and three ways of being, 204, 351 five primordial wisdoms, 203–5, 294–96, 298–99 attendant wisdoms, 295–96 correlated with ten grounds, 299 five winds foundation for, 162 five utterly pure poisons, 204 four doors of practice. See under Kriya- tantra four expository methods. See four ways of exposition four factors of awakening. See under generation stage four kayas, 13, 133, 134, 391n195 result of empowerment, 114, 134 ‘‘result empowerments,’’ 123, 386n155 four lamps (sgron ma) of the empty disks of light, 274 of the far-catching water lasso, 274, 458n523 of self-arisen wisdom, 258, 275, 458n523

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   of the utterly pure ultimate expanse, 458n523

four life-fastening nails, 148, 398n236 nail of concentration on the deity, 148, 399n241, 402n245 three functions of, 400n241 nail of enlightened activity, 152, 401n245 nail of mantra, 151, 400n242, 400n243 nail of unchanging ultimate wisdom, 151–52, 381n115, 402n245 related to view, meditation, conduct and result, 401n245 four lights (snang ba), 109, 172 four mudras (or seals), 199, 221, 351, 404n248 and deities, 14, 138 four states (waking, deep sleep, dream, orgasm), 127–31, 134, 421n325 four vajras, 112, 133, 134, 352, 480n660 four voids, 109, 172 four ways of exposition (tshul bzhi), 333, 335–36 fourth time, 67, 293, 307, 317, 464n543. See also wheel of everlasting conti- nuity Gangchentso, Buddha, 440n465. See also Mahasagara Garab Dorje, 303, 328–30, 467n573, 467n574, 470n614 Testament of, 275, 459n526 Gathering of the Great Assembly (tshogs chen ’dus pa), 64, 287, 385n144, 385n146 generation stage, 106, 111, 125, 135, 147 five factors of awakening, 142–45 four factors of awakening, 139–41 four phases of, related to five paths and four Vidya ̄dharas, 152–53 four special features of, 363 generating oneself as the child of others, 137 generating others as one’s children, 136 practiced inseparably with perfection-stage, 106 purification of four kinds of birth egg, 17, 135, 136, 139, 395n222 miraculous, 17, 135, 146, 147, 396n23 warmth and moisture, 16–17, 146–47 womb, 135, 139, 146 purification, perfection, and ripening, 135, 395n222, 401n244 three concentrations, 147–48, 393n209, 396n234, 396n235 in Mayajala, 394n213 three vajra methods, 15, 139, 141 great bliss chakra of, 158, 409n269, 411n279 empowerment of, 121, 131 vs sexual pleasure, 421n326 unchanging, 159, 229, 421n325, 421n327 wisdom of, 416n310, 419n316 Great Perfection five extraordinary paths of, 274 mind class, 52, 54, 254, 261, 444n483, 447n487 pith instruction class, 52, 54, 255, 385n150, 444n483, 460 vs prajnaparamita (madhyamaka), 231, 252, 436n454, 441n476 self-cognizing awareness in, 433n441 space class, 52, 255, 261, 443n482, 444n483 ten distinctions of awareness from ordinary mind, 257–65 two kinds of person able to realize, 451n497 view of, 265, 455n509 way of dying of practitioners of, 456n514, 459n527 See also tho ̈ gal, trekcho ̈ ground (in the Great Perfection) appearance of, 236, 238, 241–42, 434n443 index 499

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   ground (continued)

eight doors of arising, 239, 240 recognition or non-recognition of, 232–33, 244, 246–47, 436n452 superior to the ground when recognized, 240 two doors of arising, 239 common basis of samsara and nirvana, 236–37, 460n530 definition of, 434n443 synonyms for, 436n454 three aspects of (ngo bo, rang bzhin, thugs rje), 43, 237, 245, 262 grounds (bodhisattva) progress through, 152–53, 165, 299, 354, 402–3n248 the ten corresponding to months of pregnancy, 142–43 Guhyagarbha-tantra four understandings, arguments of, 333, 347–50 three views and, 341–42 heruka cause and result, 17, 137–38, 145, 394n215 eight glorious attributes of, 465n553 eight great, 394n212, 394n214 supreme, 288–90. See also Mahottara heruka highest tantra. See Anuttaratantra human body, basis of tantric practice, 94, 108, 124, 379n104, 386n157, 405n251 ignorance coemergent and conceptual, 47, 159, 233, 244, 440n470 with the same nature as awareness, 47, 244, 440n469, 440n470 three kinds of, 244, 246, 304, 440n470 illusory body. See generation stage: six yogas 500 index infractions, eight, 182, 190–91 inner luminosity. See under luminosity Jampel Shenyen (Manjushrimitra), 330 jnanasattva, 103, 138, 377n90, 395n220, 400n242. See also samadhisattva; samayasattva Jnanasutra, 268, 330, 416n307, 459n526 kahma, 83–84, 323–31, 424n377 King Ja, 122, 327–28, 330 Kriyatantra or action tantra, 5, 6, 95–97, 100, 101, 105, 107 four doors of practice, 101–3 four principles of self-visualization, 101–2 self-visualization in fasting ritual, 375n80 six deities of (Buddhaguhya), 101, 375n77 special Kriyatantras, 101 three kinds of purification in, 103, 375n78 kyangma. See roma and kyangma Lakshminkara, 32, 191 lamp of the heart of flesh, 413n287 life-channel, 407n261, 412n286 life-supporting wind. See under wind(s): five main light(s) four lights and four voids, 172 ground-luminosity induced by, 176–77, 419n321 paths of whiteness, etc., 172 produce obscuration, 390n192 tendency to experience, 392n202 three (snang mched thob gsum), 130, 146, 156, 171, 390n189, 390n192 Lilavajra, 330, 375n76 Longchen Rabjam (Drime ́ O ̈ zer), 85, 240, 248, 317, 318, 371n13, 416n307 on awareness, 433n441 on views of sutra and tantra, 378n95

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   lower door, the path of. See under perfection stage

luminosity empty, 236, 238, 374n58, 448n489 example (child), 129, 176, 419n319, 419n320 ground, 131, 176, 236, 419n321 inner, 77, 236–39, 438n457 three kayas of, 279–81, 435n446, 437n455, 460n533, 461n535 manifest, 69, 300, 304, 402n245 meeting of mother and child, 131 outwardly radiating, 280–81, 435n446, 461n535 two kayas of, 282, 460n529 three lights and, 176–77, 419n321 ultimate (mother), 140, 176, 388n182 madhyamaka (middle way) great madhyamaka of union, 231, 433n440 Great Perfection and, 231, 252, 436n454 vs tantra, 107, 378n95, 427n406 Mahasagara (Gangchentso), 242, 308, 440n465, 467n564 Mahayoga, 107, 277, 333, 378n97, 469n606 eighteen empowerments of, 121, 383n125 perfection stage of, 107, 378n98, 482n671 transmission lineage of, 327, 330 See also tantra: father Mahottara heruka, 65, 288, 289, 394n211, 394n214. See also Chem- chok mandala, 7, 8, 10, 148, 382n118 fourfold classification of, 353–57 of the experience of awareness, 354 natural mandala of primordial wisdom, 353 of superior concentration, 353 of superior representation, 355 peaceful (upper palace), 64, 286–87, 464n546 of the secret space, 11, 31, 14, 128, 130 of the self-display of primordial wisdom, 343, 473n634 of the three seats, 64, 127, 145, 407n258 wrathful (lower palace), 64, 287–92, 464n546 Manjushrimitra (Jampel Shenyen), 330, 422n342, 459n526 mantras, threefold classification, 100 Mantrayana approach of, 87, 88, 93, 372n25 compared with Sutrayana, 86, 92, 352 etymology, 86 six paramitas in, 92 supports for, 406n256 synonyms for, 87 twelve occasions for appearance of, 326, 469n594 vows of. See samaya woman in, 420n325 See also tantra; Vajrayana trans- mission lineages meditation analytical vs resting or placement, 271 in aspirational manner, 396n233 in truly perfect manner of (lam nges rdzogs), 396n233, 396n235 mind class. See under Great Perfection mind transmission of the Buddhas. See under transmission mirrorlike wisdom. See five primordial wisdoms mother tantras. See under tantra Mount of Flaming Fire (buddhafield), ................. 18356$ INDX 06-11-13 07:57:06 PS PAGE 501 71, 301, 303 Munis, six, 72, 159, 313, 467n565, 468n579 index 501

   Munis, six (continued)

nirmanakaya guides of beings, 293, 306–7, 466n563 See also sages of awareness na rag dong sprugs (confession prayer), 227, 429n430 nada, and symbolism of, 178, 412n327 Nagarjuna, 122, 190–91, 424n374, 437n455 nirmanakaya their buddhafields, 264, 294, 299, 300, 303 diversified, 323, 468n580 animate (born), 293, 306, 314 inanimate, 75, 293, 313 guides of beings, 67, 305–7, 309, 311, 466n563. See also under Munis, six half-nirmanakaya, half-sambho- gakaya, 294, 297, 299 of indwelling luminous character, 300, 454n505 of inner luminosity, 393n209, 461n535 of luminous character, 46, 67, 293–94, 313, 454n505 counted as sambhogakaya, 294 of outwardly radiating luminosity, 435n446, 461n535 object commonly perceived, 343–44, 473n636 offerings (in Secret Mantra), 351, 477n660 pith instruction class. See Great Perfec- tion perception of beings in six realms, 342–43, 472n634, 473n636 perfection stage, 108, 109, 128 expounded only in highest tantra, 179 of Mahayoga, 107 path of the lower door, 160, 178, 412n279, 420n324 502 index path of the upper door, 160, 177, 404n248, 411n279 six yogas, 170, 177 bardo practice, 170, 176–77, 418n311, 419n321 dream yoga, 170–72, 418n311, 418n316 illusory body practice, 170–71, 177, 417n311, 420n321 luminosity, 24, 140, 170, 172, 176 tummo, 11, 165, 170, 416n306, 417n311, 418n316 transference of consciousness, 11, 128, 177, 387n172, 390n194, 420n322 united with generation stage, 106, 110, 111, 128, 364 with visual forms (conceptual), 154–78, 405n250 without visual forms (noncon- ceptual), 154, 178, 405n250 pure lands, 72 three kinds of, 304 purity, twofold, 243, 262, 452n499 purity and equality, 153, 279 two superior truths, 198, 341 view of, 107, 326, 341–42, 345–47, 381n111 rainbow body of great transformation, 268, 408n265, 457n516 roma and kyangma, 19, 22, 156–57, 164, 408n264 in men and women, 19, 22, 157, 164 Rongdzom Cho ̈kyi Zangpo (Pandita), 205, 469n598, 472n633 sacred lands, twenty-four, 164, 304, 313, 360 sages of awareness, 21, 64, 72, 286, 306. See also Munis, six Sakya Pandita, 375n73, 375n80, 378n95 samadhisattva, 400n242. See also jnana- sattva; samayasattva

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   Samantabhadra (and Samantabhadri), 24, 86, 317

awareness, 256, 448n489 freedom of, 239, 240 ground of emanation of deities, 64, 286, 292 practice of, 111 primordially free, 46, 240 seal of, 213, 426n405, 478n660 six features of, 240–42, 277 sixth Buddha, 468n584 time of, 63, 73, 284, 307–8 way of teaching of, 323–24, 468n588 Samaya, 112, 114, 179 five deteriorations of, 225, 429n422 of five enlightened families, 217–22 general samayas of anuttaratantra, 180–94 conditions for, 181 fourteen root downfalls, 183–90 infractions, 190–92 observance of, 182 vs vow, 180–81 of General Scripture of Summarized Wisdom, 195–97 of Mayajala, 34, 197–205 five root samayas, 208–210 ten branch samayas: things not to be rejected, 202–3; things not to be shunned, 203–5 of Mind (Great Perfection), 35–36 of ‘‘nothing to keep,’’ 205–8 reparation of, 192–95, 222–28 of ‘‘something to keep,’’ 208–215 twenty-five modes of conduct, 216 samayasattva, 6, 100 sambhogakaya, 282, 461n537 buddhafields, 69, 242, 286–87, 440n466 semi-apparent, 300 five perfections, 282, 337. See also five certainties four kinds of, 461n536 of inner luminosity, 460n533, 461n534 of outwardly radiating luminosity, 281 seven riches of superior ultimate, 341, 349, 471n626 wrathful mandala of, 287–92 Scripture of All-Inclusive Knowledge (kun ’dus rig pa’i mdo), 121, 154, 385n144 Scripture of Summarized Wisdom (mdo dgongs pa ’dus pa), 195, 197, 210, 225, 385n144, 469n594 seven degenerate objects, 219, 428n417 seven qualities of union, 229, 285, 462n542 shamatha, 269–72, 399n240, 455n511. See also calm abiding Shambhala, 304, 411n275, 468n589, 481n662 Shantipa, 184, 422n343 shastras, conditions for composition of, 318 Shri Simha, 330, 416n307, 422n342, 459n526 Shura (Ashvaghosha and Bhawilha), 191–92, 195, 424n375 six exegetical perspectives, 333 six paramitas, 232, 251, 426n396 in Mantrayana, 92, 103, 159 six realms (classes of beings), 64, 125, 129, 135, 305 deluded perception of, 438n459 sages of awareness and, 306, 411n276 seed syllables of, 125, 167, 226, 386n161 six special features of Samantabhadra’s freedom, 240, 439n464 spontaneous presence, 44–46, 132, 207, 235, 237 appearance of, 236–38, 242 dimension of, 237–40, 244, 439n460 eight doors of, 45, 46, 240, 244, 264, ................. 18356$ INDX 06-11-13 07:57:07 PS PAGE 503 282, 301 subsiding, 260–61 five kinds of, 256–57 index 503

   sugatagarbha, 23, 93, 133, 385n154 ground nature, 123, 231, 337 nature of the mind, 87, 89, 136,

344–45 not expedient teaching, 187 present in all beings, 169, 184–85, 187 sutra vs tantra, 86, 437n454 svabhavikakaya, 132, 140, 241, 467n577 syllables, 14, 23, 72, 166, 468n583 channels and, 10, 125, 129, 156, 166 of purification, 140, 156, 166 three kinds of, 388n183 wheel of, 324, 468n587 See also under six realms tana and gana, 36, 197, 200, 213, 222 tantra, 89 bipartite. See Ubhaya classification according to: capacity of beings, 96–99 cosmic age and degree of desire, 95–96 social caste, 96 father or Mahayoga, 7, 15, 18, 106–7, 154. See also, generation stage: three vajra methods ground, path, and result, 89–93 inner tantras, 106–7, 132, 363, 372n37, 478n660. See also Anuttaratantra mother or Anuyoga, 7, 18, 106–7, 154 nondual, 7, 19, 106, 154 outer tantras, 99–179, 372n37, 374n67, 478n660 Sakya Pandita on, 378n95 ten elements of tantric path, 351–52, 469n606, 470n608, 477n660 See also under Mantrayana tathagatagarbha, 432n439. See also suga- tagarbha terma, 84, 370n8, 370n11, 382n122 tho ̈gal, 268–69, 275, 300, 413n287, 457n515 rainbow body of great transfor- mation, 457n516 504 index seven salient features of, 269 vs trekcho ̈, 268, 457n516, 459n527 three concentrations. See under gener- ation stage three doors of perfect liberation, 43, 132, 265, 266, 416n310, 431n438 three seats. See under mandala three-year retreat, reason for its length, 482n667 transmission, three kinds of hearing transmission of spiritual masters, 330–31 mind transmission of the Buddhas, 322–4 symbolic transmission of the Vidya ̄- dharas, 84–5, 324, 326, 467n574 trekcho ̈, 57, 59, 132, 265–67, 268, 274, 445n483, 455n508 compared with tho ̈gal, 457n516 result of, 268, 459n527 two truths in awareness, 257, 341, 448n490 Madhyamaka vs Mantrayana, 342, 437n454 two superior truths (purity and equality), 89, 350, 373n29, 472n630 twofold knowledge (of nature and multiplicity of phenomena), 68, 74, 293, 296, 312, 460n533 Ubhaya (bipartite tantra), 103, 376n82, 385n144. See also Charyatantra uma. See central channel universal ground, 54, 261 alaya, 86, 451n499 consciousness of, 261, 299, 452n499 vs dharmakaya, 261, 279, 379n111, 451n499 four categories, 452n499 of habitual tendencies, 241, 257, 303, 453n499 original ultimate, 453n499, 460n530 state of delusion, 262, 277

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   universe, three-thousandfold, 466n564 upper door, path of. See under perfection

stage upward-moving wind. See wind(s): five main vajra aggregate, city of, 19, 155, 478n660 vajra body (vajrakaya), 61, 278–79 vs aggregate of, 378n99 of great transformation, 57, 268 Vajrasana (vajra throne), 23, 166, 413n287 Vajrayana transmission lineages Anuyoga, 327 Atiyoga, 328 kahma, 84, 323 Mahayoga, 327 terma, 84 See also Mantrayana; tantra vase body, ever youthful, 44, 77, 236–38, 281, 316, 454n504 definition, 437n455 resultant aspect, 242 vidya ̄dhara, 327 definition of, 87, 430n436 of desire and form realms, 403n248 enjoying celestial fields, 101, 103, 402n248 four kinds (levels) of, 153, 229 knowledge transmission of, 324–30, 371n13, 467n574 perceptions of, 473n634, 474n638 Vimalamitra, 165–66, 330–31, 408n265, 416n307 vipashyana (deep insight), 258, 361, 441n478, 455n511 not present in form realm, 244 and shamatha, training in, 269–72 visualization eight criteria of clarity and stability, 150–51 firm pride or self-assurance, 399n241 five meditative experiences of, 151, 398n238 recollection of perfect purity, 399n241 six branches of, 152, 402n246 vows belonging to the five enlightened families, 37, 38, 216–22, 428n414 distinct from samaya, 26, 180–81 enhancement of, 392n204 foundation of tantric training, 181, 422n335 reparation of, in Hinayana and Mahayana, 33, 40, 223 three, 28, 43, 115, 183, 389n186 wheel of everlasting continuity, 293, 298, 337. See also fourth time wind(s), 109, 155, 359–61 basis of either delusion or wisdom, 162, 414n293 circulation of, 94, 160, 162, 414n296 dualistic (in roma and kyangma), 11, 129 entry into central channel, 22, 154, 162–63, 165, 171 five main, 21, 22, 161, 412n286 five major and minor, 7, 45, 21, 22, 415n300 increase and decline of number according to age, 161 inner, 22, 162–63, 360, 415n300 karmic wind, 140, 162, 219, 286, 360 vs wisdom wind, 162, 414n293, 414n295 life-wind, 156, 219, 238, 359 outer (of elements), 18, 21, 160, 162, 415n300 major, 160, 412n281 minor, 161, 412n284 quintessence of five elements, 108, 132 secret, 22, 163, 415n300 support of secret empowerment, 124 transits of, 20, 158–59 wisdom, 359–60 index 505

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   wind-mind, 24, 55, 129, 165, 167–69, 263–64

dissolves in central channel, 410n271 dissolves into the chakras, 168, 409n269, 411n277, 413n287 five winds bound in, 162, 414n297 illusory body of, 171 yakshas, 308 yogatantra, 95–98, 104–6, 118, 384n137 empowerments of, 9, 118 five factors of awakening in, 104, 105 four powers of manifestation in, 105, 377n91 samaya of, 189, 226 youthful vase body. See vase body