Sources Cited
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Sources Cited
Tibetan authors seldom cite sources by their full titles; rather they use contractions,
and often different versions thereof. Wc tried to translate these versions
in a straightforward way. However when a contraction seemed ambiguous
or ungrammatical in English (for example, Kun byed [The All-Creating]
instead of Kun byed rgyal po [The All-Creating Monarch] or Kun gsal [The
All-Illuminating] instead of Thig le kun gsal [The All-Illuminating Sphere]),
we opted for the longer version.
- All-Creating Monarch {Kun byed / Kun byed rgyal po/Chos thams cad rdzogs pa chen po byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po)
- Augmentation of the Rare and Precious (dKon brtsegs/dKon mchog brtsegs pa; Skt. Arya maharatnakuta dharma paryaya satasdhasrika granthe trisamvara nirdesaparivarta nama mahayana sutra)
- Blazing Lamp (sGron ma ‘bar ba/gSer gyi me tog mdzes pa rin po che sgron ma ’bar ba’i rgyud)
- Clear Words (Tshig gsal; Skt. Mu la madhyamaka vrtti prasannapada), by Chandrakirti
- Commentary on the Oral Lineage (sNyan brgyud ti ka)
- Conjunction of the Sun and Moon (Nyi zla kha sbyor / Nyi ma dang zla ba kha sbyor ba chen po gsang ba’i rgyud)
- Cutting Through the Three Times (Dus gsum chig chod), by Garab Dorje
- Deep Immersion in Awareness (Rig pa spyi blugs), by Garab Dorje
- Direct Encounter with the Three Kayas (sKu gsum thug phrad), by Garab Dorje
- Discourse on the Most Majestic State of Meditative Absorption (Ting nge ’dzin rgyal po'i mdo; Skt. Arya sarva dharma svabhdva samatavipancita samddhi raja ndma mahaydna sutra)
- Discourse of the Rare and Sublime Meteor (dKong mchog ta la la’i mdo; Skt. Arya ratnolkanama dharanimahdydna sutra)
- Elucidation of the Twenty Thousand Stanzas (Nyi khri srtang ba; Skt. Arya pahca vimsati sahasrikdprajhaparamitopadesa sdstra abhisamayalamkara vrtti), by Vimuktasena
- Examination of the Key Points of Timeliness (Dus gnad brtags pa), by Padmasambhava
- (Great Fundamental Tantra of the) Reverberation of Sound {(sGra) thal ’gynr (rsta ba’i rgyud chen po) / Rin po che ’byung bar byed pa sgra thal ’gyur chen po’i rgyud)
- Great Garuda (Soaring in Space) (Khyung chen / Khyung chen mkha’ Iding)
- (Great) Victory Banner That Never Falls(: Supreme Space) (Mi nub pa’i rgyal mtshan / Mi nub pa’i rgyal mtshan chen po nam mkha’ che)
- Heart Essence of Secrets (gSang snying! gSang ba snying po; Skt. Sriguhyagarbha tattva vintscaya)
- Major Commentary on the Eight Thousand Stanzas (brGyad stong ’grel chen; Skt. Arya asta sahasrika prajhd paramitd vyakhya abhisamayd lamkara aloka ndma), by Haribhadra
- Minor Commentary (on the Eight Thousand Stanzas) ((brGyad stong) ’grel chung; Skt. Abhisamayalamkara ndma prajnd paramitopadesa sdstra vrtti), by Haribhadra
- Natural Freedom of Awareness (Rig pa rang grot / Rig pa rang grol chen po thams cad ’grol ba’i rgyud)
- Natural Freedom That Underlies Characteristics (mTshan ma rang grol), by Garab Dorje
- Overtvhelming the Six Modes of Consciousness with Splendor (Tshogs drug zilgnon), by Garab Dorje
- Pearl Garland (Mu tig phreng ba /Mu tig rin po che pbreng ba’i rgyud) Samantabhadra: Mirror of Enlightened Mind (Kun tu bzang po thugs kyi me long / Kun tu bzang po thugs kyi me long gi rgyud ces bya ba thams cad ston pa’i rgyud)
- Six Expanses (kLong drug pa / Kun tu bzang po klong drug pa’i rgyud)
- Source Verses on the Middle Way (dBu ma rtsa ba; Skt. Prajnanama mula madhyamaka karika), by Nagarjuna
- Spoken Words: The Secret Oral Lineage (Kha gtam gsang ba’i snyan brgyud), by Shri Singha
- Tantra of Adornment Through Direct Introduction (Ngo sprod spras pa’i rgyud / Ngo sprod rin po che spras pa’i zhing khams bstan pa’i rgyud)
- (Tantra of the) All-Illuminating Sphere (Kun gsal / Thig le kun gsal)
- (Tantra of the Great and) Perfect Dynamic Energy of the Lion (Seng ge rtsal rdzogs (chen po’i rgyud))
- (Tantra of) Heaped Jewels (Rin po che spungs pa / Rin po che spungs pa’i rgyud / Rin chen spungs pa yon tan chen po ston pa rgyud kyi rgyal po)
- Tantra of Naturally Occurring Perfection: The River of Empowerment (rDzogs pa rang byung dbang gi chu bo’i rgyud/sKu thams cad kyi snang ba ston pa dbang rdzogs pa rang byung chen po’i rgyud)
- Tantra of Precious Blazing Remains (sKu gdung ’bar ba rin po che’i rgyud / dPal nam mkha’ med pa’i sku gdung ’bar ba chen po’i rgyud)
- Tantra Summarizing the Ultimate Meaning (Nges don ’dus pai rgyud)
- (Tantra of the Supreme) Array of Inset Gems (Nor bu phra bkod chen po’i rgyud / Nor bu phra bkod rang gi don thams cad gsal bar byed pa’i rgyud)
- Tantra of the Supreme Beauty of Auspiciousness (bKra shis mdzes Idan chen po’i rgyud /bKra shis mdzes Idan chen po’i rgyud dpal nam mkha’ med pa chen po’i rgyud)
- (Tantra of Supreme) Naturally Arising Awareness (Rang shar / Rig pa rang shar / Rig pa rang shar chen po’i rgyud / De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi ting nge ’dzin yongs su bshad pa ye shes ’dus pa’i mdo theg pa chen po gsang ba bla na med pa’i rgyud chos thams cad kyi ’byung gnas sangs rgyas thams cad kyi dgongs pa gsang sngags gcig pa’i ye shes rdzogs pa chen po’i don gsal bar byed pa’i rgyud rig pa rang shar chen po’i rgyud)
- Tantra of the Supreme Secret: The Enlightened Mind of All Tathagatas (De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gsang ba chen po’i rgyud)
- Tantra Without Letters (Yi ge med pa / Yi ge med pa’i rgyud / Yi ge med pa’i rgyud chen po zhes bya ba rin po che rgyal mtshan gyi rgyud rgyal po’i gdud rgyud Ita ba nam mkha’ dang mnyam pa’i rgyud chen po’o)
- Text of (Precious) Copper Letters (Zang kyi yig can / Zangs kyi yi ge can / Rin po che zangs kyi yi ge can)
- Treasury of Higher Teachings (mDzod / Chos mgnon pa mdzod; Skt. Abhidharmakosa karika), by Vasubandhu
- Treasury of Songs of Realization (Do ha mdzod)
- Vajra Fortress (rDo rje mkhar rdzong), by Garab Dorje
- Vajrasattva: Mirror of the Heart (rDo rje sems dpa' snying gi me long / rDo rje sems dpa’ snying gi me long gi rgyud)
- Web of Magical Display of Manjushri (’Jam dpal sgyu ’phrul drva ba)
- White Lotus(: The Major Commentary on the Kalachakra) (Dus ’khor gyi ’grel chen Padma dkar po)