Word List
We have compiled this word list because the translation of Tibetan terms has yet to be standardized and readers may encounter alternative translations of key terms in other texts and teachings. To aid readers unfamiliar with the Wylie system of transliteration, we have included phoneticized equivalents of the terms according to the Kham dialects of eastern Tibet.
When more than one English translation is given for a single Tibetan term, the entry listed first is the most common version. If several versions are equally common, they are listed separately. Some terms are not listed individually but can be found in an idiomatic expression (for example, “ description” is listed under the idiom ubeyond description, imagination, or expression” ). Some of the translations occur only in negative constructions (for example, “indepen- dent nature” is found under “ without independent nature” ).
English | Wylie Transliteration | Pronunciation |
abandon | spong ba | pong wa |
abide, remain, dwell | gnas pa | nay pa |
acceptance and rejection, value judgments | blang dor | lang dor |
accomplished | grub pa | drūp pa |
achieve, achievement | sgrub pa | drūp pa |
adornment | rgyan | jen |
adventitious distortions | glo bur gyi dri ma | lo būr ji dri ma |
affirmation and denial afflictive emotions all-consuming concepts / thought patterns all-creating all-embracing seal apparent / manifest (sense) objects apparent yet empty arise attributes authentic awakened mind awareness awareness’s own manifestations bare,pure and simple basic space of phenomena (Skt. dharmadhatu) become fully evident beyond characterization or expression beyond description, imagination, or expression bias, distinction body, speech, and mind boundless, unlimited calm abiding cannot be characterized Wylie Transliteration rtag chad nyon mongs pa kun rtog kun byed rgyas5debs yul snang snang stong 7char ba mtshan nyid bden pa, yang dag pa byang chub kyi sems rig pa rangsnang zang ka chos dbyings mgnon du gyur pa msthon brjod las ’das pa smra bsam brjod las ’das pa ris sgo gsum mtha’ yas, mtha’ med zhi gnas mtshan ma med pa Pronunciation tak chay nyön mōng pa kūn tōk kūn jay jay dep yūl nang nangtōng char wa tsen nyi ; den pa, yang dak p jang chūp chi sem rik pa rang nang zang ka chö ying ngön du jūr pa tsön jö lay day pa ma sam jö lay day pa ree go sum ta yay, ta may zhi nay tsen ma may pa
Category of Direct Transmission
Category of Expanse Category of Mind cause and effect / result, causality cessation characteristics clarity clear distinction cleared away clearly apparent without truly existing complete evenness composite, compounded conceptual mind concerted effort conditioned existence and the state of peace conduct confirmed or refuted confusion consciousness consciousness as the ground of all ordinary experience consummate consummation continuous continuum continuum of being conventional designation cutting through solidity man ngag sde klong sde sems sde rgyu ’bras ’gog pa mtshan nyid, mtshan ma gsal ba shan5byed sangs med pa gsal snang phyam phyam ?dus byas yid bya rtsol srid zhi spyod pa grub bsal ’khrul pa rnam shes, shes pa kun gzhi’i rnam shes 'gag med, ma 'gags pa lu gu gyud gyud thasnyad khregs chod Pronunciation men ngak day long day sem day ju dray gōk pa tsen nyi, tsen ma sal wa shen jay sang may pa sal nang cham cham dü jay ja tsol si zhi chö pa drūp sal trūl pa nam shay, shay pa kūn zhee nam shay tar tūk pa tar chin pa gak may, mon gak pa lu gu jü jü ta nyay trek chö
decisive experience (come to a) definitive conclusion (reach a) definitive meaning direct experience direct introduction direct perception / experience discern the implication discerning timeless awareness dispel constraints display distillation, vital essence distinction, classification do not come together or separate domain, range, environment dualistic perception(s) dynamic energy effort and achievement effort and striving eight avenues of consciousness elaboration elicited in all its nakedness embrace the larger scope embraced emptiness la bzla ba gtan la ’bebs pa nges don carphogtu ngo sprod mngon sum ’gag bsdams pa so sor rtog pa’i ye shes ’phrang bsal rol pa bcud dbye ba du dral med pa yul, spyod yul gzung ’dzin, gnyis Mzin. gnyis snang rtsal rtsol sgrub ’bad rtsol tshogs brgyad spros pa rjen la bud pa chings su being ba beings pa, ’dus pa stong pa nyid la da wa ten la bep pa ngay don charpōktu ngo trö ngön sūm gak dam pa so sor tōk pay ye shay trang sal rōl pa chü ye wa du dral may pa yūl,chö yūl zung dzin, nyee dzin, nyee nang tsal tsōl drūp bay tsōl tsōk gyay trö pa jen la bü pa ching su ching wa ching pa, dü pa tōng pa nyi
empty yet lucid encompassed enlightened activity /
action / deed enlightened dimension enlightened intent enlightened mind enlightened perspective enlightened speech enlightenment ensured environment, place equalness (state of) essence (of being) evanescent evidence evident exaggeration and underestimation, misinterpretation existence expand into evenness expanse expressions of emptiness extreme fade away final resolution fixation fixed construct four methods of resting framework, frame of reference free, freedom free of anything needing to be done stong gsal ’khyil ba phrin las sku dgongs pa thugs snang ba gsung byang chub grub pa gnas mnyam panyid ngo bo yal ba rtags gsal ba sgro skur yod pa phyam gdal klong tòng sal chil wa trin lay ku gòng pa tūk nang wa sung jang chūp drūp pa nay nyam pa nyi ngo wo yal wa tak sal wa drō kur yö pa cham dal long töng zūk ta, chōk, ree yal wa pu tak chay pa zhen dzin tay dzin zhak tap zhi mik pa drōl wa ja dral stong ,gzugs phyogs, ris yal ba phu thag bead pa zhen ’dzin gtad ’dzin gzhag thabs bzhi dmigs pa Jgrol ba
English free of restrictions free in their own place freedom in immediate perception freedom in oneness fruition fully embraced / encompassed fundamental nature (of being) fundamentally unconditioned genuine, what has genuine meaning great perfection (approach) ground of all ordinary experience ground for all that arises ground (of being), matrix ground of being as basic space ground of being manifesting as sensory appearances habitual pattern has never existed heart drop heart essence identifiable essence identify identity illumination Wylie Transliteration rgya grol rang sar grol ba cer grol gcig drol ’bras bu ’ub chub khams gshis rnal ma rdzogschen kun gzhi ’char gzhi gzhi gzhi dbyings gzhi snang bag chags ma grub pa snying thig snying po Pronunciation ja drōl rang sar drōl wa cher dròl chik drōl dray bu ūpchūp kham shee nal ma dzōk chen kūn zhi char zhee zhi zhi ying zhi nang bak chak ma drūp pa nying tik nying po ngo wo ngö zung ngo zung wa ö, nang, sal
ngo bo ngos gzung ngo bzung ba bda,g snang, gsal
immediate perception imputation
in direct response to in the immediacy of in its / their own right in light of inconceivable indescribable indeterminate indivisible, not subject to extremes ineffable, ineffability inexpressible infinite infinite evenness infinitely pervasive inherently pristine innate clarity / limpidity innate (state of) immediacy inner glow intangible interdependent connection investigate knowing quality, knowledge knowing quality of timeless awareness label, name laxity and agitation level (of realization), state level of truth limitation, limit cer mthong btags pa thog tu thogtu rang mtshan du ngor bsam med brjod med ma nges pa, nges med ris med med pa brjod med byams klas pa phyam gdal / brdal khyab gdal / brdal rang sangs ngang dvangs thog babs mdangs mthong med rten ’brel dpyod pa shes pa mkhyen pa’i ye shes ming bying rgod sa yang dag sa mtha’,phyogs Pronunciation cher tōng tak pa tōk tu tōk tu rang tsen du ngor sam may jö may ma ngay pa, ngay may ree may may pa jö may jam lay pa cham dal chap dal rang sang ngang dang tōk bap dang tōng may ten drel chö pa shay pa khyen pay ye shay ming jing gö sa yang dak sa ta, chōk
limpid, limpid clarity lucidity luminous, illuminating magical / miraculous display, magical expression manifest yet nonexistent master of awareness meaning (ultimate) meditation (cultivate in) meditative absorption meditative experience meditative stability mind (ordinary) mind itself mindstream mirrorlike timeless awareness mode of freedom natural attribute natural condition natural freedom natural great dvangs gsal ba ’od cho ’phrul medsnang rig ’dzin don sgom pa ting nge ’dzin nyams bsam gtan sems sems nyid rgyud me long Ita bu’i ye shes grol lugs rang chas babs rang grol rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po rang sems rang sa, rang so rang mal rang gsal med snang dang sal wa chom trūl may nang rik dzin dön gōm pa ting ngay dzin nyam sam ten sem sem nyi jü me long ta bui ye shay drōllūk rang chay bap rang drōl rang zhin dzōk pa chen po rang sem rang sa, rang so rang mal rang sal may nang perfection natural mind natural place natural place / state / state of rest naturally clear / evident
naturally occurring naturally settled, settled in its own place nature (of being) nature of mind nondual nonexistence nonrecognition (of awareness) nonreferential not made or unmade not subject to bias or division objects of the phenomenal world omnipresent one taste oneness one’s perception of sense objects open avenue open dimension openness ordinary consciousness ordinary mental processes original purity origination own mode own place perceive perceiver perception perspective phenomenon Wylie Transliteration rang byung rang babs rang bzhin sems kyi rang bzhin gnyis med med pa ma rig pa dmigs med ’du ’bral med pa phyogs ris med pa choscan spyi blugs ro gcig gcig pu snang yul sgo ma ’gags pa go skabs phyal ba bio byung tshor ka dag skye ba rang lugs rang sa / so ’dzin pa, mthong ba yulcan snang ba snang ba chos Pronunciation rangjūng rang bop rang zhin sem chi rang zhin nyee may may pa ma rik pa mik may du dral may pa chōk ree may pa chö chen chi lūk ro chik chik pu nang yul go mon gak pa go kap chal wa lo jūng tsor ka dak chay wa ranglūk rang sa / so dzin pa, töng wa yūl chen nang wa nang wa chö
pith instructions pivotal (point) plans and actions positive positive and negative primordial pristine produced, created profound insight pure, innately pure pure perception / vision qualities (positive / enlightened) radiance rationale reach full expression reactions real realization recognition, recognize reference point reflection reification reifying fixation reject, renounce relative reality / level relax(ed) renunciation and acceptance resolution of phenomena resolution of phenomena in their true nature man ngag gnam gzer bya byed bzang po dkar nag, dge sdig gdod ma’i, thog ma’i sangs pa, sangs se ba byas pa lhag mthong dag pa dag snang yon tan gdangs ’thad pa rtsal rdzogs pa spang blang dngos rtogs pa ngo shes gtad so gzugs brnyan ’dzin pa gtad ’dzin pong ba kunrdzob lhug pa spang blang choszad chos nyid zad pa men ngak nam zer jajay zang po kar nak,gay dik dö may, tōk may sang pa, sang se wa jay pa lhaktōng dak pa dak nang yön ten dang tay pa tsal dzōk pa pang lang ngö tōk pa ngo shay tay so zūk nyen zin pa tay dzin pōng wa kūn dzōp lhūk pa pang lang chö zay chö nyi zay pa
resolve, fall away responsiveness, innate responsiveness rest resting in equipoise resting in the immediacy of resting imperturbably, imperturbable rest resting imperturbably in awareness resting imperturbably like a mountain resting imperturbably like an ocean Samantabhadra (Skt.) scope, state, context, realm seamless self-identity self-knowing awareness self-knowing timeless awareness sense faculties sensory appearances significance six avenues of consciousness skillful means spacious sphere spontaneous fulfillment spontaneous presence stray, deviate Wylie Transliteration zad pa thugs rje ’jog pa mnyam bzhag cer gzhag cog bzhag rig pa cog gzhag ri bo cog gzhag rgya mtsho cog gzhag kun tu bzang po ngang bar med, bar mtshams med pa gang zag gi bdag rang rig rang rig ye shes dbang po snang ba don tshogs drug thabs yangs pa thig le bya ba grub pa lhun grub g.yo ba Pronunciation zay pa tūk jay jōk pa nyam zhak cherzhak chōk zhak rik pa chök zhak ri wo chōk zhak ja tso chōk zhak kūn tu zang po ngang bar may, bar tsam may pa gang zak gi dak rang rik rang rik ye shay wang po nang wa dön tsōk drūk tap yang pa tig lay ja wa drūp pa lhun drūp yo wa
subject to restrictions sublime knowing, knowledge substance, (substantial) thing subsumed suchness sugata (Skt.) sugatagarbha (Skt.), buddha nature suppression or indulgence surpass ten attributes tension or laxity thinking (recollection and) thing thorough discernment thoughts, thought patterns, concepts timeless awareness timeless awareness of all that there is timeless awareness as the basic space of phenomena timeless awareness as equalness timeless awareness functioning as cognition timeless awareness as spontaneous fulfillment Wylie Transliteration rgya chad shes rab dngospo ’dus pa de bzhin nyid bde gshegs bde gshegs nying po dgagsgrub zil gyis gnon pa rang bzhin bcu sgrim glod dran bsam chos rnam dpyod rtog pa, rnam rtog ye shes ji snyed mkhyen pa’i ye shes chos dbyings ye shes mnyam nyid ye shes rig byed ye shes bya ba grub pa’i ye shes Pronunciation ja chay shey rap ngö po dü pa de zhin nyi de shek de shek nying po gak drūp zil jee non pa rang zhin chu drim lö dren sam chö nam chö tōk pa, nam tōk ye shay ji nyay chen pay ye shay chö ying ye shay nyam nyi ye shay rik jay ye shay ja wa drūp pay ye shay
timeless awareness of what simply is
timelessly timelessly and ji lta ba mkhyen pa’i ye shes ye nas ji ta wa chen pay ye shay ye nay innately present total freedom total purity transmission (scriptural) lung true existence, truth true nature (of phenomena) ultimate level / reality unbiased unborn unceasing, ceaseless uncompounded, noncomposite uncontrived underlying logic understand undistorted, flawless unfettered unhindered uninterrupted unique uniquely decisive unity of appearance and emptiness unity of awareness and emptiness unity beyond union or separation universe (of appearances and possibilities) yongsdag denp bden pa yebabs yeba yöng yongs grol yō ng ro lūng ak chos nyid don dam phyogs med skye med 5gag med, ma Jgags pa ’dus ma byas ma bcos pa ’thad pa rtogs pa dri med rgya yan thogs med rgyun chad med pa, bar med nyag gcig gcig chod snang stong rig stong 'du ’bral med pa (snang srid) snod bcud chö nyi dön dam chōk may chay may gak may, mon gak pa dü ma jay ma chö pa tay pa tōk pa dri may ja yen tōk may jūn chay may pa, bar may nyak cheek cheek chö nangtōng rik tōng du dral may pa (nang si) nö chü WORD LIST pdda
unobscured unobstructed unpredictable unrestricted, without
restrictions utter lucidity, utterly lucid
vast expanse very essence
vision, perspective
waver, vacillate way of abiding wholly positive without anything
needing to be done without differentiation /
division or exclusion without finite essence without
independent nature without transition or
without (underlying)
yoga yogin
Wylie Transliteration
sgrib med
zang thal
ma nges pa, nges med
rgya yan ’od gsal
5grol ba, yal ba
klong chen
rang ngo, ngo bo nyid,
snying po snang ba
g.yo ba
gnas lugs
kun tu bzang po
byar med
dbye bsal med pa ngo bo med pa
rang bzhin med pa pho ’gyur med pa gzhi med
rnal ’byor
rnal ?byor pa
drip may
zang tal
ma ngay pa, ngay may
ja yen ö sal
drōl wa, yal wa
long chen
rang ngo, ngo wo nyi,
nying po nang wa
yo wa
nay lūk
kūn tu zang po
jar may
ye sal may pa ngo wo may pa
rang zhin may pa pon jūr may pa zhi may
nal jor
nal jor pa